Is this Evri text/email genuine?

Emails or texts from scammers trying to steal your details will often be unusual in some way or unexpected. For example, referring to a parcel delivery you weren’t expecting. If you have any doubts about a message, or if you suspect someone is not who they claim to be, don’t respond; instead contact us directly. Don’t use the numbers or address in the message – use the details on our website.

Scam messages may include the following:

  • Poor language - Look out for poorly written sentences with spelling and grammatical errors
  • Lack of a personal greeting - They may use 'Dear Customer' or ‘Dear [your email address]’ instead of using the name you use on your account (though criminals are getting better at personalising messages)
  • Links or buttons - They may include links or buttons in emails that urge you to click on them. Before you click on any links, hover over the button or URL to check it goes where it's supposed to. If it brings up an unrecognised address, it could be a scam
  • Unusual email address - The email address will often be different from the usual email address you receive from that company, even just using a slight misspelling or different formatting.

In addition, genuine emails from Evri will typically be from, or

Genuine Evri SMS messages:

  • Will not show the sender name as a mobile phone number
  • Will never ask you for payment
  • Will never include a link except for a tracking link called (Please be aware even if the link does show as https:/ we cannot guarantee this is genuine. If you are unsure, do not click a link and do not enter any personal details.)

Please see our Cyber Security page for more information and examples of scam messages you may receive.